
I'm so thankful for your visit to my web site! It's a work in progress, just like our lives. Personally, I aim to constantly grow, learn, and explore new vistas of opportunity to love and glorify God as well as serve others. In fact, that describes well why I decided to start this site. The older I get, the more I desire to share with others a little of my journey with Christ.
As indicated in the menu, you'll discover on this site more about our ministry of pastoral training in Africa, my personal blog on biblical and theological topics, our monthly updates, as well as further information concerning my two published works: Life with a Limp: Discovering God's Purpose in your Pain (Vide Press, 2022) and God's New Humanity: A Biblical Theology of Multiethnicity for the Church (Wipf & Stock, 2012). Thanks for your visit!
David E. Stevens is a pastor, theologian, and missionary who has ministered extensively in the United States, Europe, and Africa. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M. 1982) and the Faculté Evangélique de Vaux-sur-Seine (Th.D. 1999) near Paris, France, he has pastored churches in Portland, Oregon and in Belgium. David and his wife, Mary Alice, presently live in the Atlanta, Georgia area from where they carry out a ministry of encouragement and equipping in and among local churches in the US, Europe and Africa. They are the proud parents of four adult children and eight grandchildren.

Ministry Focus
Along with his wife, Mary Alice, David's primary ministry focus is on pastoral training in English and French speaking Africa through the ministry of African Pastoral Training and the Thompson Bible International Institute. David is also available to speak at mission conferences, local churches, or small groups, bringing biblically based messages that encourage and equip the church to fulfil her redemptive mission.