You wouldn’t know this, but I am, in my first draft, writing this by hand. Handwritten notes divulge something of personality or situation or the emotional state of being of the author. For example, I write this hurriedly or, as for the apostle Paul in his later writings “with large letters," perhaps denoting eyesight problems.
Recently I read again a card written by our older daughter, Rebecca, in her artistic, neat, rhythmic handwriting style, which also belies a lot concerning her character and personality. She wrote this card for both herself and her older brother in 2003 on the occasion of their dad’s birthday. (The picture below was taken in November of that year.) Her brother signed it only “Love, Jonathan,” being most often a man of few words. Only his signature, but in his habitual style, holds much significance for us as parents even now some 21 years later.
When I see that familiar signature, I see the person behind it and can hear in my mind’s eye or memory the voice of our son at that age. The slow and deliberate cadence always held more meaning than the words actually conveyed. The point of interest here for us is the Spirit’s encouragement to cultivate a listening and perceptive heart in order to remember what our Savior has said and is saying even now. The Lord Jesus, who signed his “with love” for us in his own blood, has also left his signature for us to contemplate and appreciate in his creation. We are surrounded with the balance of power and delicacy which is in harmony with his deep desire to do us good. And lest we forget his command to love as he does, he has stamped, as it were, his own image—the image of the great Three-in-One, in our next door neighbor as well as in our most challenging family member.
We also see his signature perhaps most vividly when we look back on crucial moments of our lives and remember his presence, at the time as real as if he had been standing bodily beside us. Perhaps it took some later reflection to perceive that Presence. Or maybe it has been simply seen by faith as we read afresh Psalm 23—"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you are with me. Your rod and staff, they comfort me." Or again the "I will never leave you or forsake you" of Hebrews 13.5.
We would do well to ask ourselves, “Do I perceive his voice as I read the Scriptures or as I sing or listen to hymns or spiritual songs? Is my heart attuned to the Spirit of God? Am I listening when I come to a time of prayer or am I merely speaking?”
The hymn about the garden of prayer declares “. . . the voice I hear falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.” May this be more and more our experience.
I heard the statement recently that time is one thing we can never get back. Prayer is the one investment of our time in a fast-paced world that will yield lasting fruit both now and in the future. So, while it is still day here on planet earth, let us buy up our time by listening first and always to the voice of God in continual prayer. This is time that will never be lost.
Be still and know that I am God. —Psalm 46:10
Come unto me, all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me. —Matthew 11:28,29
This is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased; listen to him. —Matthew 17:5
He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. — Revelation 2:7
So, dear friends, as we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, for the burdens of this world and of our own souls, let his hope fill our hearts for the Spirit and the bride say “Come,” and let the one who hears say “Come.” He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come Lord Jesus !
— Mary Alice Stevens
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May God continue to bless you as you advance His Kingdom.
Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas and a New Year filled with God's bountiful blessings!
Sidney and Betty